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About RDF

RDF in points

“Software to create a model utilizing unbiased analysis of the data”
1 RDF (reduced dimensions forms) software to solve single molecules, and other trajectories, to create a model from data;
2 available in Windows/Macintosh/unix;
3 Can solve,  2 state trajectories, higher order discrete trajectories, continuos trajectories;
   Of value in,  biophysics, physics, economics, and other areas;
4  hundreds work with RDF codes
Strengths & Advantages

With RDF, you can

5 create the most ACCURATE KINETIC SCHEME analyzing two state trajectories, within a day of work (much better, more accurate and faster than the alternatives)
6 can analyze continous trajectories and higher order discrete data;
7 import the RDF results to other platforms (these are saved in text files). For example, import to codes that you make in your environment
8 build other functions in the software; you can write functions in html, javascript, css or to call exe files (that you created) of complex mathematical computations
Particular Features
9 pdfs, correlation functions, moments, intermittency ratios,
10 exponential fit expansions, rank, degree of correlation, filter noise
11 Model compilation to find the initial point, model creation, unique optimization; Comparisons among models; Optimization of various trajectories; Optimization of any initial point
12 Simulations; Data manipulations; Plotting module
business issues
# Free Partial Version
$ flexibility; pay per duration (to week/ month /quarter / year, or other deals)
! reply to questions within a day


More elaboration

RDF is a simple-to-use software for analyzing trajectories, traces, temporal data,  where the trajectories are either discrete (with two, three, etc states) or continuous;
     The trajectories are seen in biophysical , physical , economical, etc, processes .

In RDF there are about many dozens of mathematical functions and many dozens of technical functions to analyze the trajectories,  yet also unique compliation to build the most accurate (with better probability) mechanism (RDF and state scheme / kinetic scheme) that can generate the data; (There is the possibility to include user created functions in the analysis).

     The analysis (advanced version) can utilize information of various trajectories,  scan over initial conditions with Bayesian convergence algorithms,  perform scaling law analysis, etc

The commands are built in a way that un-biasedly gather information from the data and then compile the information to advance to the next stage of the analysis.
   The scientists that work with RDF should decide based on the gathered information and the prior information about the process, where to advance

The advanced mathematical functions in the analysis are based on papers of Ophir Flomenbom, [1,2,3].  We continue to develop the software, yet also we work with various on creating collaboration, to incorporate RDF codes in other software [4]

Getting Started

For starting, push (in the software) the File→’general analysis’ to analyze the data , or
push the File→’simulations’ to perform simulations

you can yet also push on these tabs at the top of the introduction page (in the software),

A video explaining the way to start is available at, Videos,
[yet also, in the “help button” in the software menu]


*1* O. Flomenbom,
Biophys Rev. Lett. 8(3), 109-136 (2013).

*2* O. Flomenbom, and R. J. Silbey
Utilizing the information content in two-state trajectories
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103, 10907-10910 (2006).

*3* O. Flomenbom, and R. J. Silbey .
Toolbox for analyzing finite two-state trajectories
Phys. Rev. E 78, 066105 (2008).

*4* we also work to collaborate with Fred Schas et al QUB sofwtare;
Fredrick Sachs, Ophir Flomenbom , “How to get more from less”, Physics of Life Reviews, 13, 150 (2015) ; doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2015.03.006


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