(*2*) Report with More research on anti gravity devices, will appear soon     

(*1*) paper on free energy, 

(*2*) Paper on energy for free in spark gap earthing circuits will appear soon,      

(*1*) paper about anti gravity and gravity appeared , 

(*2*) Advanced version of the software RDF will appear during December 2021 through early 2022, in all operating systems; the version including 3+ state analysis,      

(*1*) OF will launch special issue in RAPS, during 2022, rather broad, in various topics,  

    (*2*) updated version of the sofwtare RDF  appeared during second quarter 2020,

  (*1*) OF  publish in RAPS,  Detecting the Number of States in Raw Trajectories   

  (*5*) launched the WordPress version of the RDF website & ISN website & the Fairness in Nations website; during the fourth quarter of 2019,

  (*4*) launched the WordPress version of the company website; during the third quarter of 2019,

  (*3*) updated version of the sofwtare RDF will appear during second quarter 2019,

  (*2*) launching the RDF website

  (*1*) OF will publish in RAPS, about biophysical algorithm to compute degree of correlations in continuous data.

(*2*) updated version of the sofwtare RDF appeared during second quarter 2018,

(*1*) OF published with various colleagues, review about the strength in modeling in socio-econo-physics, Are Socio-Econo-Physical Models Better to Explain Biases in Societies?

(*6*) we release the first trial free version of the software RDF in UNIX (first, August 2017), where during the summer, in all operating systems (windows, macos, unix)
register to download ;
The full version (in all operating systems) will cost 225$ (free 20 day version), will appear during the next quarter,

(*5*) OF will publish in RAPS with Jelena Mazaj
Customizing Crowdfunding Approaches to Replace “Biased” Funding ;
about crowd funding

(*4*) OF will publish in Soft matter with various colleagues
Single file dynamics in soft materials;
about single file dynamics

(*3*) OF will publish in RAPS,
“introduction to the special issue, physics of societies, socio-econo-physics, and biophysical economics” ; about opinions , wealth densities, fairness, and other matters

(*2*) OF will publish in RAPS,
“The Gini of fairness”

(*1*) OF will publish in RAPS,
with Gul Unal Coban, Yekbun Adiguzel, review on “From the physiocrats to fairness in nations”

(*6*) OF will publish in BRL,
with Gul Unal Coban, Yekbun Adiguzel, Commentary on “Biophysical Economics” and Evolving Areas

(*5*) OF will publish in BRL,
with Larysa Barabam and Slava Misko, commentary about, the Special Issue continuation about “Single file dynamics and generalizations in interdisciplinary sciences”

(*4*) OF collaborating with Fred Sachs on QUB improvements with RDF codes,
The improved software will costs about 299$ per licence per year, with special deals to groups and companies with more than 4 computers
programmers that want to work on that project can email CV to (still hiring)

(*3*) OF publishing in BRL,
“MFPT in SFD”, Biophysical reviews and Letters
The project page

(*2*) OF and collaborators creating with World Scientific Publishing Ltd ,
a general interdisciplinary journal with opened access
The approach is creating a unique journal with impact , utilizing unique review process that abolishes biases yet accepting the better 25% of all projects
The Journal page will appear soon

(*1*) OF publishing in Atlas of Science,
about the commentary with Fred Sachs,
“How to extract more from less??”

(*) OF will publish in Atlas of Science,
about the commentary with Fred Sachs, “How to extract more from less??”

(*) OF will publish in BRL,
“MFPT in SFD”, Biophysical reviews and Letters
The project page will appear soon

(*) OF will publish in the Physics of Life Reviews,
“How to get more from less”, 2015, Physics of Life Reviews
The project page
collaboration with Fred Sachs from Buffalo NY USA

(*) OF work on the Special Issue in socio econo physics,
This will appear in World Scientific
collaboration with Wang, Yougui, Beijing Normal University, China ; Yong Tao, Chongqing, China ; yet we will include others in the editorial crew; We work on arranging at least 25 projects ; Those that want to participate can email

(*) OF will publish in the biophysical economics category in BRL,
The society deciders model and fairness in nations, BRL, 2015,
The project page

(*) We collaborate at least 16 groups and companies on “everything about single file dynamics and generalizations in interdisciplinary physics, chemistry and biophysics”
The consortium is composed of groups from Europe, Asia and America.

(*) We finalize now the project,
Single file dynamics’ solutions, perspectives and the soft matter relation,
that’s a collaboration of 5 groups and companies

(*) The Special Issue about Single File Dynamics advances in biophysics, physics & related fields, & extensions in higher dimensions is prepared,
The Special Issue Page (continuously updating)
We will accept projects through 2015. These will appear in the online page of the Special Issue & regular print Issues, yet will present the Special Issue Icon & Comment within the paper.

(*) OF will publish the special issue introduction about single file dynamics, BRL, 14,

(*) The conference booklet appearing at,
The conference booklet .

(*) The fairness in nations’ project: OF starting collaboration with various groups about fairness in nations in socioeconomics.
The consortium composed of 11 groups,
from: Turkey, Latvia, Austria, Spain, Cyprus, Moldova, UNITED KINGDOM, Italy.
The particular consurtium groups.

(*) OF publishing the project about single file dynamics, BRL, 14,
Single File Dynamics Advances with a Focus on Biophysical Relevance .
Biophys. Rev. Lett. DOI: 10.1142/S1793048014400013

(*) OF citation list: 2014 update: the list .

(*)OF is now in the managing editor committee in the journal BRL: the committee .

(*) we created the conference wesite:
Conference JULY 2014, Majorana Center: Single file dynamics in biophysics, physics & related fields & extensions in higher dimensions,
so far 38 participants registered & we still registering (through about 95).

(*) OF having the new publication: Introduction to the Special Issue on Measuring & Solving Single Molecules
with Kelly Velonia & Mircea Cotlet, in Biophysical Reviews & Letters. See publications page.

in Biophysical Reviews & Letters. See publications page.

(*) The Special Issue about Measuring & Solving single molecules 2013 is prepared: The Special Issue Page (continuously updating)
We will accept projects through 2014. These will appear in the online page of the Special Issue & regular print Issues, yet will present the Special Issue Icon & Comment within the paper.

(*) OF is invited joining the editorial board of Ege University Journal of the Faculty of Science

(*) OF organizing a conference in single file dynamics: Majorana Center, Italy, 2014
The organizing committee include: Chief director: Ophir Flomenbom (israel) Director: François Peeters (Belgium), director: Fabio Marchesoni (Italy),
co organizers: Alessandro Taloni (Italy), Ramón Castañeda-Priego (Mexico), Harald Posch (Austria), Henk van Beijeren (The Netherlands)
any possible participant is encouraged contacting OF @

(*) OF sending a project in biophysics: about new noise’s filter required when solving single molecules (see information in publications).

(*) We start seeing a wave of participants in the Special Issue about measuring and solving single molecules.
any possible participant is encouraged contacting OF @

(*) many (~25) approved participation in the Special Issue about single file dynamics.
any possible participant is encouraged contacting OF @

(*) OF will create a special issue in biophyiscal reviews and letters (chief editor) (invited in fall, 12) . This is about measuring and solving single molecules. Co editors: KELLY VELONIA & Mircea Cotlet
Those that want participating are encouraged contacting OF @

(*) OF joined the editorial board of the journal Biophysical Reviews and Letters (fall, 12)

(*) OF will create a special issue in the Chief Editor part (since Winter, 12) . This is about single file dynmaics. Co editors: Peeters Francois & Ramon Castaneda Priego
Those that want participating are encouraged contacting OF @

(*) We have started new collaboration with experimentalists in the field of solving noisy data from individual molecules (fall, 12): Peter Hinterdorfer, Angel Orte & Ramon HURTADO Guerrero

(*) OF joined the editorial board of the journal CPIS BIOPHYSICS (fall, 12)

(*) we have prepared several videos explaining about the company and our scientific activities (spring, 12)

(*) We have started a new project (January, 12): Solving noisy trajectories. This project is related with our previous studies, see [14], [21], [26] in Publications (see also, Unique mechanisms from the two-state trajectories, in Research Highlights)

(*) Ophir Flomenbom is invited lecturing in Bar Ilan Univeristy.
The talk will take place in May 2012 (3.5.12). About the presentation.
The invitation is from the physics department.

(*) Ophir Flomenbom is invited lecturing in Ben Gurion Univeristy.
The talk will take place in March 2012 (21.3.12). About the presentation.
The invitation is from the nano center.


(*) Ophir Flomenbom is invited lecturing in Weizmann Institute of Science.
The talk will take place in December 2011 (29.12.11).
The invitation is from the Faculty of Chemistry.

(*) The Letter,
Fairness in society
was sent for publication (16 October, 2011).
This paper is affiliated with the company Flomenbom-BPS.
Highlights of the paper


(*) In August 2011, Ophir Flomenbom joined the editorial board of the journal biophysics of ISRN.

(*) The book,
Heterogeneous Walkers in Rich Environments
was published in May, 2011; ISBN: 978-3-8443-1576-9.
This book is affiliated with the company Flomenbom-BPS.
The book is based on our papers in stochastic processes from 2008-2011,
and is published with LAMBERT Academic Publishing .

(*) The NIH has approved the company Flomenbom-BPS Ltd,
constituting an independent scientific private organization, allowing participating in the NIH funding since 2011 on.
This is another important step forward for the company.

(*) The Letter,
Clustering in anomalous files of independent particles
was accepted for pulication in 7.4.11 & publihsed in 18.5.11 in the prestigious Journal, Europhysics Letters.
This paper is affiliated with the company Flomenbom-BPS.
Highlights of the Letter

(*) The ERC has approved the company Flomenbom-BPS Ltd,
constituting an independent scientific private organization, allowing participating in the ERC funding since 2011 on.
This is an important step forward for the company.

(*) We have just started (March, 2011) promoting the foundation of the

The ISN is a new scientific establishment that aims at solving the problem of the “fleeing brains” from Israel abroad in a real way, rather than in a fake way, as was suggested recently (with the so-called, “virtual centers”) by (or with the approval of) the same folks that cause so many young Israeli scientists fleeing the country.
Please, check out the website in this matter, Israeli Scientific Network, where one can register the ISN, read about the ISN, and help promoting the ISN.

(*) The Letter,
Clustering in anomalous files of independent particles
was sent for pulication (January, 2011).
This paper is affiliated with the company Flomenbom-BPS.
Highlights of the Letter

(*) Downlaod a free version of the Software RDF (possible since 13/11/2010)

(*)On September 2010, the Letter,
Renewal-anomalous-heterogeneous files
was published: Phys. Lett. A 374, 4331 (2010).
This paper is affiliated with the company Flomenbom-BPS.
Check Publications for more information.
Abstract of the Letter
(*) On September 2010, the Paper,
Dynamics of heterogeneous hard spheres in a file
was published: Phys. Rev. E 82, 031126 (2010).
This paper is affiliated with the company Flomenbom-BPS.
Check Publications for more information.

Abstract of the Paper

(*)Register for the Software RDF (possible since 8/8/2010)

(*)Flomenbom-BPS Ltd won funding from The Center for Absorbance in Science,
MOIA, The State of Israel (July, 2010)

(*) Ophir Flomenbom lectured in the Fritz Haber Center (31/5/2010), 
Institute of Chemistry, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
The title of the lecture:
Making it possible: constructing a reliable mechanism from a finite trajectory
The PDF file of the presentation

(*)On January 2010 the paper,
Making it possible: constructing a reliable mechanism from a finite trajectory
was accepted for publication (submitted: September, 2009),
and will appear in Adv. in Chem. Phys. late 2011.
This paper is affiliated with the company Flomenbom-BPS.
The paper deals with the analysis of experiments on the level of individual complexes.
It summarizes our previous findings and presents several of our new discoveries in the field.
Check out Publications for more information.

(*)Flomenbom-BPS Ltd was registered in Israel, (September, 2009).

(*) Ophir Flomenbom lectured in the Technion, Israel, (April, 2009).
The lecture dealt with the analysis of two-state trajectories.
Additional information 

(*) Ophir Flomenbom lectured in Japan (December, 2008) @:Hokkaido University, Osaka University, the Biophysical Society of Japan Meeting.
These lectures all dealt with the analysis of two-state trajectories.
Additional information

(*) On February 2009 the paper,
The rule for a subdiffusive particle in an extremely diverse environment
was published: Phys. Lett. A 373, 1405-1408 (2009).
This paper is affiliated with the company Flomenbom-BPS.
Check out Publications for additional information.