

  • Interdisciplinary science: biophysics, socio-econo-physics, etc
    1. Filtering the noise from time trajectories from single molecules
    2. Analysis of clean data from individual molecules
    3. Enzymes‘ kinetics 
    4. Ion channels‘ dynamics
    5. Passage of biopolymers through nanopores
    6. Structural dynamics of biopolymers
    7. Membranes
    8. Models in Evolution
    9. Society-deciders models
  • Stochastic processes
    1. dyanmics of decisions
    2. Single File Dynamics
    3. Semi-Markovian chains: Green‘s functions and path PDFs
    4. The Kramers problem in a fluctuating environment
    5. Jarzynski‘s Equality
    6. Networks
    7. Models for not-Markovian dynamics

  • Clustering in anomalous files of independent particles (2010-2011)

  • New results in single file dynamics (2008-2010)

  • How enzyme works? (2003-2005)

2018 (1)
47 Are Socio-Econo-Physical Models Better to Explain Biases in Societies? RAPS 2(2), (2018)

2017 (4,5)
46 Ophir Flomenbom, and Jelena Mazaj , Customizing Crowdfunding Approaches to Replace “Biased” Funding Rep. Adv. Phys. Sci. 01, 1771001 (2017) 45 Arnab Chatterjee, Gul Unal Coban, and Ophir Flomenbom, Introduction – Commentary on the Special Issue Rep. Adv. Phys. Sci. 01, 1703001 (2017) 44 Ophir Flomenbom, The Income Gini of Fairness Rep. Adv. Phys. Sci., 01, 1740004 (2017) 43 Alessandro Taloni,ab Ophir Flomenbom,c Ramón Castañeda-Priego*d and Fabio Marchesonie Single file dynamics in soft materials Soft Matter, 2017,13, 1096-110642 Yekbun Adigüzel1, Ophir Flomenbom2, *, †, Gul Unal Coban3 From the Physiocrats to Fairness in Nations Rep. Adv. Phys. Sci. 01, 1750001 (2017)

2016 (3)
41 Ophir Flomenbom , Larysa Baraban, Vyacheslav Misko
Commentary on the Special Issue Continuation on “Single File Dynamics and Generalizations in Interdisciplinary Sciences”
Biophysical Reviews and Letters 11, 1 (2016)
40 Ophir Flomenbom ,Gul Unal Coban2 Yekbun Adiguzel3
Commentary on “Biophysical Economics” and Evolving Areas
Biophysical Reviews and Letters 11, 55 (2016)
39. Ophir Flomenbom
MFPT in Single file dynamics
Biophysical Reviews and Letters 11, 39 (2016)

2015 (3)
38. Fredrick Sachs, Ophir Flomenbom ,
“How to get more from less”,
Physics of Life Reviews, 13, 150 (2015) ; doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2015.03.006
37. Ophir Flomenbom , Alessandro Taloni, Ramon Castaneda-Priego, Fabio Marchesoni, Francois Peeters
Single file dynamics’ solutions, perspectives and the soft matter relation
abstract (2015)
36. Ophir Flomenbom
The society deciders model and fairness in nations
BIOPHY. REV. LETT. (2015) ; DOI: 10.1142/S1793048015500046

2014 (3)

35. O. Flomenbom
Advanced properties in Single File Dynamics, &: Slow files in 1D & higher dimensions.
Majorana Centre, Conference on Single file dynamics in biophysics, physics & related fields & extensions in higher dimensions, BOOKLET (2014).
34. Ophir Flomenbom, Ramon Castaneda – Priego, Francois Peeters
Introduction to the Special Issue on Single File Dynamics advances in biophysics, physics & related fields, & extensions in higher dimensions Biophys Rev. Lett. 9, 301 (2014)
33. O. Flomenbom
Single File Dynamics Advances and a Focus on Biophysical Relevance
Biophys Rev. Lett. 9, 307 (2014).


2013 (3)

32. Ophir Flomenbom, Kelly Velonia, Mircea Cotlet
Introduction to the Special Issue on Measuring & Solving Single Molecules
Biophys Rev. Lett. 8(3), 103 (2013)
31. O. Flomenbom
Biophys Rev. Lett. 8(3), 109-136 (2013).
30. O. Flomenbom
Solving single molecules:
filtering noisy discrete data made of photons and other type of observables
text,supplemtary information


2012 (1)

29. O. Flomenbom
Fairness in society
This project will appear with new results & new title during 2014/2015

2011 (3)

28. O. Flomenbom
Heterogeneous walkers in Rich Environments
A book, ISBN: 978-3-8443-1576-9 (2011).
Publishing with LAMBERT Academic Publishing .

27. O. Flomenbom
Clustering in anomalous files of independent particles
EPL 94, 58001 (2011).

arXiv:1103.4082 26. O. Flomenbom
Making it possible: constructing a reliable mechanism from a finite trajectory
Adv. Chem. Phys. 146, 367 (2011).


2010 (2)

25. O. Flomenbom
Renewal-anomalous-heterogeneous files
Phys. Lett. A 374, 4331 (2010).
24. O. Flomenbom
Dynamics of heterogeneous hard spheres in a file
Phys. Rev. E 82, 031126 (2010).
Draft of the paper, arXiv:1002.1450

2009  (1)

23. O. Flomenbom
The rule for a subdiffusive particle in an extremely diverse environment 
Phys. Lett. A 373, 1405-1408 (2009).

2008  (4)

22. O. Flomenbom, A Taloni
On single file and less dense processes
Europhys. Lett. 83, 20004-p1-p6 (2008).

21. O. Flomenbom, and R. J. Silbey
Toolbox for analyzing finite two-state trajectories
Phys. Rev. E 78, 066105 (2008).

20. O. Flomenbom, and R. J. Silbey

Universal properties of mechanisms from two-state trajectories

J. Chem. Phys. 128, 114902 (2008). Selected by and appeared on the  Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.

19.O. Flomenbom, and R. J. Silbey

Unique mechanisms from finite two-state trajectories

E. Barkai, F. L. H. Brown, M. Orrit & H. Yang Eds. THEORY AND EVALUATION OF SINGLE-MOLECULE SIGNALS,(October, 2008). arXiv:0706.2328


2007 (2)
18. O. Flomenbom, and R. J. Silbey
Path PDFs for semi-Markovian random walks
Phys. Rev. E 76, 041101 (2007).

17. O. Flomenbom, and R. J. Silbey
Properties of the generalized master equation: Green’s functions
and probability density functions in the path representation

J. Chem. Phys. 127, 034102 (2007).
Selected by and appeared on the
Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.


2006 (3)

16. O. Flomenbom, J. Klafter, and R. J. Silbey
Comment on “Path Summation Formulation of the Master Equation”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 178901 (2006).

15. O. Flomenbom, J. Hofkens, K. Velonia, et al
Correctly validating results from single molecule data:
The case of stretched exponential decay in the
catalytic activity of single lipase B molecules

Chem. Phys. Lett. 432, 371–374 (2006).

14. O. Flomenbom, and R. J. Silbey
Utilizing the information content in two-state trajectories
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103, 10907-10910 (2006).

Selected by and appeared on the
Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.

2005 (9)

13. O. Flomenbom and J. Klafter
On the relationships between kinetic schemes
and two-state single molecule trajectories

J. Chem. Phys. 123, 064903 (2005).
Selected by and appeared on the
Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.

12. O. Flomenbom and J. Klafter
Uncorrelated two-state single molecule trajectories
from reducible kinetic schemes

Acta Phys. Pol. B 36, 1527-1535 (2005).

11. O. Flomenbom and J. Klafter
Closed-form solutions for continuous time
random walks on finite chains

Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 098105 (2005).
Selected by and appeared on the
Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.

10. O. Flomenbom and J. Klafter
Stretched exponential decay and correlations
from two-state single molecule trajectories,
L. B. Kish, K. Lindenberg, Z. Gingl Eds.
Noise in complex systems and stochastic dynamics III,
Proceedings of SPIE 5845, 156-164 (2005).

9. O. Flomenbom, J. Klafter, and A. Szabo
What can one learn from two-state single molecule trajectories?
Biophys. J. 88, 3780-3783 (2005).

8. O. Flomenbom, K. Velonia, D. Loos, et al
Stretched exponential decay and correlations in the catalytic
activity of fluctuating single lipase molecules

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102, 2368-2372 (2005).
Selected by and appeared on the
Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.

7. K. Velonia, O. Flomenbom, D. Loos, et al
Single Enzyme Kinetics of CALB Catalyzed Hydrolysis
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44, 560-564 (2005), cover.

6. O. Flomenbom, R. J. Amir, D. Shabat, and J. Klafter
Some New Aspects of Dendrimer Applications
J. Lumin. 111, 315-325 (2005).

5. O. Flomenbom, R. J. Amir, D. Shabat, and J. Klafter
Dendrimer – Based Devices: Antennae and Amplifiers
D. L. Andrews Ed., Energy Harvesting Materials, (2005).


2004 (3)

4. O. Flomenbom and J. Klafter
Resonant activation in discrete systems
Phys. Rev. E. 69, 051109 (2004).

3. O. Flomenbom and J. Klafter
Translocation of a Single Stranded DNA Through
a Conformationally Changing Nanopore

Biophys. J. 86, 3576-3584 (2004).

2. O. Flomenbom and J. Klafter
Single Stranded DNA Translocation Through a Fluctuating Nanopore
J.T. Fourkas, P. Levitz, M. Urbakh, K.J. Wahl Eds.
Dynamics in Small Confining Systems,
MRS Proceedings 790, P7.4.1-P7.4.6 (2004).

2003 (1)

1. O. Flomenbom and J. Klafter
Single stranded DNA translocation through a nanopore:
A master equation approach

Phys. Rev. E 68, 041910 (2003).
Selected by and appeared on the
Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.