RDF for Modeling Trajectories (Macintosh Version)
$24.00 – $99.00
Modeling state & continuous trajectories with the software RDF.
Solve single molecules with the software RDF.
You can purchase a per year permit, or a per quarter / month / week permit.
Modeling state & continuous trajectories: Perform with RDF the analysis, to then find the most accurate model that can reproduce the data. RDF can deal with two state trajectory, higher order discrete data, or continuous data (seen in measuring enzymes, ion channels, proteins dynamics, membranes, etc).
Technical Issues
(A) on checkout, you will proceed to a secure page to make the purchase. Then , an email will be send to a page for downloading the software, where in the email will appear a password and a username to initiate the software
(B) software installation (after downloading) requiring online connection
(C) you can work offline with software ~5% to 10% of the duration of the permit ; better to work online with the software (save offline initiations to scenarios without internet)
RDF is available in all operating systems.
The advanced mathematical functions in the analysis are based on papers from Ophir Flomenbom, [1,2,3];
*1* O. Flomenbom, “Detecting the number of states in raw trajectories”,
RAPS (2019), in press.
Biophys Rev. Lett. 8(3), 109-136 (2013).
*3* O. Flomenbom, and R. J. Silbey; “Utilizing the information content in two-state trajectories”.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103, 10907-10910 (2006).
*4* O. Flomenbom, and R. J. Silbey . “Toolbox for analyzing finite two-state trajectories”;
Phys. Rev. E 78, 066105 (2008). arXiv:0802.1520
Additional information
Lenght of the permit | YEAR, Quarter, Month, Week |
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